Thursday, January 10, 2013

A Love That Flows....

I receive a daily meditation from Richard Rohr who runs the Center for Action and Contemplation in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Yesterday’s post was too good not to share with my readers. The reflection was entitled: To Love Is To Allow Something To Flow Through Us. Rohr writes:

“Jesus commanded us to love; so we know love is not just a feeling, since we cannot command feelings. Love is mostly a decision.

“Jesus did not say:

“When you get healed, love;
When you grow up, love;
When you feel loving, love;
When you get it together and have dealt with all your mother/father/husband/children wounds, then you must love.

“No, the commandment for all of us is to LOVE now, and thus fill the tragic gaps of every moment.

“I think we know the love of God when we ourselves can “do love” much more than when people tell us we are loveable (that just feels good!). We can always disbelieve the second, but the first is an unexplainable power from Beyond ourselves. We know we are being used, and the “Living Water” is flowing through us (John 7:38).” (Adapted from Letting Go: A Spirituality of Subtraction)

Love One Another - Brian

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