A very busy and extremely rewarding week of teaching, editing at the television studio, and preparing to take students to the Big Apple! But that does not mean that news worthy events, reflections, and opinions aren't still flowing into the John 13:34 Blog. Here are the notable contributions to this Week's Round-Up.
The Most Stunning Pictures of Mars the World Has Ever Seen (memolotion.com)
Russia and America: The Dread of Each Other (The Economist)
Editorial: The Real Cost of Shrinking Government (NY Times)
Editorial: Minimum Wage Economics (NY Times)
Review: Why Priests? (NY Times)
Review: Lincoln's Tragic Pragmatism (NY Times)
Commentary: The Details Paul Ryan Doesn't Want You to Know (Rachel Maddow)
Music: Striking New Look for Parsifal at the Metropolitan Opera (Huffington Post)
Music: Can You Learn to Like Music You Hate? (NPR)
Music: From Bow to Baton - Joshua Bell Conducts Beethoven (NPR)
Sport: Nine Golfers Sinking Putt
Faith: It's Not About Me (The Christian Century)
Faith: Changing Poverty Into Opportunity:A Moral Cause to Bring Us Together (sojo.net)
Faith: Death of the Mall and the Future of Church Buildings (Thom Rainer)
Faith: Five Hopeful Signs for US Congregations (thearda.com)
Faith: The 6 Essential Social Media Skills of Leaders (churchmag.com)
Faith: Leadership Training Has Reached a "Tipping Point" (faithexpressions.org)
Faith: Towards a Non-Malignant Faith - An Interview with Brian McLaren (religiousdispatches.org)
Faith: DJesus Uncrossed:The Violent Remaking of Jesus in America (patheos.com)
TV: Downton Abbey Season 4 - What's Next? (The Neff Review)
TV: Downton and Downward (NY Times)
That should keep you busy (at least before the Oscars begin!!)
Love One Another - Brian
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