Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Wednesday of Advent I - "Can You Hear Me Now?"

Lessons: Psalms 119:1-24; Isaiah 2:1-11; I Thessalonians 2:13-20; Luke 20:19-26

Can You Hear Me Now?

I enjoy that television commercial featuring the Verizon telecommunication system that ends with the now famous tag: “Can You Hear Me Now?” I have often wondered if God does not pose the same question to the created world from time to time.

Advent is a season that encourages Christians to be waiting. It is an active waiting which means being alert and attentive to the Word of God that comes to us in sometimes obvious, but more often in very mysterious, ways. This focused concentration is based on the sure knowledge and belief that God wants to address us. Then again, are we listening? Are we ready to respond when God asks, “Can you hear me now?”

I was recently invited to attend a House Church near my home here in Northeast Ohio. There were eleven folks gathered early one Sunday morning. In the midst of those assembled was the Word – the Scriptures – the story of our redemption. During worship, in place of a formal sermon, there was a discussion of the assigned texts for that day. What amazed me, as we read the Bible together, and heart spoke to heart, was how the WORD became flesh and brought new life into our midst. There was a confident expectation that God would be present with us. “Can you hear me now?” Yes, Lord, I can hear you in the words of Scriptures, in the thoughts and reflections of other followers, and in the midst of authentic Christian community.

Simone Weil once remarked: “Waiting patiently in expectation is the foundation of the spiritual life.”  Jesus, when speaking about the end of time, instructed his disciples about the importance of waiting. This discipline allows the believer to be an active listener in a very noisy and sometimes chaotic world. In addition, I believe, such an attitude makes it possible to spiritually survive and thrive in this fast paced culture in which we live.

God asks: “Can you hear me now?” What is your reply?

Gracious Lord, call each one of us into your abundant light and life. Help us to see you daily, to know you confidently, to love you passionately, and to imitate you authentically every day of our life. Amen.

Advent Action Step: Make peace with someone or something that is troubling you. WARNING: This is not simple. It will take prayer – lots of prayer!

Love One Another - Brian

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